was: brit gp now: people on track

John Forbes john at craincorporated.com
Mon Jul 21 20:26:57 EDT 2003

I have a video called "Secrets of Speed". Its from the early '90s. The
beginning is a bit messed up because the tape wasn't stored well, but theres
no cars on the Autobahn that I've seen. It does however have GREAT footage
of the type 44 at Talledega, the Trans Am cars, and the IMSA cars. Also some
really great interviews with Hans Stuck. Actually now that I remember the
beginning even has rally footage, including Pikes Peak, and that section is
full of interviews with Michelle Mouton. Good stuff. I wish I had the
equipment to digitise it and post it on my server for whoever to see.

'87 5ktq - Still having CIS trouble
'88 80 4cyl

> > Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 08:32:22 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: james accordino <ssgacc at yahoo.com>
> > Subject: was: brit gp now: people on track
> > To: Wylie Bean <TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com>, quattro at audifans.com
> >
> > That guy has serious issues.  Does anyone remember a
> > video of 3? track guys trying to cross the main
> > straight at Malaysia?  As cars approach at 200+ mph?
> > 3rd person doesn't quite make it and becomes about 3'
> > taller as he flies through the air.  Gruesome stuff.
> > Also, what's the video with Audi on the autobahn
> > driving really fast from late 80's to mid 90's?  I
> > think I saw it on Speed.  "Secrets of Speed"?
> >
> > Jim Accordino
> >

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