Re-Keying Locks

Steve Sears steve.sears at
Wed Jul 23 14:27:02 EDT 2003

Yes, if it's like my Type 43 (Team Doorhandle hadn't been reassigned to
different duties at Audi yet) it's fairly easy to dis-assemble the door
locks.  The cylinders have a set of flat plates with a cutout, one end of
which varies with the key cutout.  You can stock up on cylinders from your
local wrecking yard and use the assembled plates to make the door locks the
same as your ignition key.  I've never done the glovebox key (hey, if a
valet.....hahaha, "valet", oh mercy, "Please park my car between the
scrapers and the excavator while I grab a sample of soil for testing, and
stay out of that mud".....) but i'm sure it's similar.  The trunk might be
different (with the press-in button), it is slightly in my T43.  Lube the
door handles while you've got them off.
Steve Sears
1987 Audi 5kTQ - more often seen at construction sites than fancy
1980 Audi 5k - retired from the construction biz.
1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes - required attire - lederhosen.
BTW - go to Babblefish and translate "leiderhosen" - worth a laugh.
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