Rad plastic inlet failure mode

Doug Johnson ur-quattro at msn.com
Thu Jul 24 21:59:54 EDT 2003

Does it seem as though there's a incompatibility between the hose and
plastic neck materials?  If so, would a very thin metal sleeve between the
neck and hose perhaps help?  Just a thought....

 ~ Doug

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Dan Cordon
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 8:08 PM
To: Quattro List
Subject: RE: Rad plastic inlet failure mode

Having just had this experience on my 200 20V, I can agree entirely.
This is exactly the condition of my upper radiator neck when it finally
gave away. Luckily mine happened in the driveway, not on the highway!

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
University of Idaho


> Normally, the plastic is rigid and unyielding to attempts to
> deform it by pressing on it with fingers or by gripping it with pliers. As
> it nears the end of its useful life, the plastic becomes sort of punky,
> softer and more rubbery and easily deformed with pressure from the pliers.
> In the final stages of failure, one can grab the end of the inlet with
> one's fingers and twist off a piece almost the same as tearing the corner
> off of an asphalt roof shingle. The plastic has lost it's rigidity. All
> this is taking place under the covering of the rubber of the upper inlet
> radiator hose, which hides the deterioration from casual inspection. I
> suspect that the act of tightening the radiator hose clamp at this stage
> would accelerate the speed at which the system is moving toward
> catastrophic failure.

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