A6 Front Brake Guide pin question

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Jul 26 15:31:44 EDT 2003

At 03:34 PM 07/26/2003 +0000, walian at att.net wrote:
>Hello all,
>   I am getting ready to put new front brakes on my 97A6Q and I was wondering
>if anybody knows what the allen wrench size for the guide pins are on the
>front caliper. I have tried 6mm which is to small and 8mm which is to big. Do
>they make a 7mm allen wrench?

I have a 7 mm socket-based allen.  Came in a set.  Are you sure the 8 is
too large?  I just discovered that the bumper bolts on my 200q20v that I
thought were T50 Torx because I couldn't get an 8 mm allen in there
actually will accept an 8 if the corrosion is scraped out.  A PITA to try
to scrape corrosion out of an allen head in that kind of setting, but you
might want to check again after scraping with a dental pick or small flat
screwdriver blade.

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