how much pentosin would a wood chuck chuck?

james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Jul 27 08:59:34 EDT 2003

That means it's REALLY old.  It should be an
iridescent green.  And they are right about adding.
You should run 50k easy without having to add
anything.  This guy Phil Payne from England told me to
fix the leaks.  I went from buying it by the case
(literally) to not adding in 1-2 yrs.  I do get "wet
spots" around the return ends under clamps.  Takes
about 10-20k to get really noticable.  I usually wash
by then.  Total fluid loss is measured in ML.

Jim Accordino

--- luke <maytagasm at> wrote:
> btw... ive never changed pentosin... what colour is
> it?
> the stuff in there was almost gunmetal colour.
> thanks
> luke
> 90tq (now with engine!)
> --

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