Throttle Valve Dashpot Question

Andrew Duane USG duane at
Tue Jul 29 08:52:07 EDT 2003

Hairy green toads from Mars made Huw Powell say:

> > My Canadian 5TQs both have a "throttle valve dashpot" as shown on page 25.29
> > of the Bentley manual.  I do not know if US cars have these.
> >
> > Does anyone know what they are supposed to do?  I assume they are like the
> > dashpots on carbureted Fords and control the speed at which the throttle
> > closes when you take your foot of the accelerator.
> that's what the one on my 90 looked like to me.  it simply slows that
> last bit of closing throttle motion.  which seems silly, since once the
> idle switch gets closed, the ECU kills the fuel for a moment to save on it.
> > However, the dashpots on both of my cars don't dash or pot.  They have no
> > resistance at all except the slight spring pressure which certainly cannot
> > control the throttle closing speed..
> I took mine out.
> > I have been having problems with one car stalling on idle (only when the car
> > is really warmed up).   The revs drop quickly to ~ 300, then recover in a
> > second or so to the correct 800.  Sometimes.  At other times the idle speed
> > does not recover and the car gradually stalls (in about 2-3 seconds).
> I don't think that is your problem.  Like I said, I took mine out and
> basically noticed no change, other than a .03% increase in power due to
> reduced weight.

Hey, that's my line!

I took the dashpot out of my '89 100Q too. It had corroded a bit and
was sticking, causing 3000 RPM idling.

Besides the 0.03% increase in power, I found a 0.05% improvement in
front/rear weight distribution.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane at
HP/Compaq Corporation			Andrew.Duane at
110 Spit Brook Road			Andrew.Duane at
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698		(603)-884-1294

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