Diagnostic Help -- 88 5KSQ

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 30 07:26:11 EDT 2003

IME coolant will ruin an O2 sensor.  BTDTx?  Usually
have a weird lime green crust on the shell.  I don't
know exactly how or what chemical does it, but that's
my experience anyway.

Jim Accordino

--- Gary Meier <b1biker at neb.rr.com> wrote:
> The Saga --
> My wife was returning home from work late at night,
> on the highway, during
> the winter; noticed that the heater output was down
> so pulled into a nearby
> shopping area and stopped the car. When I arrived I
> found the top neck of
> the radiator had failed spewing most/all of the
> coolant out of the engine.
> Reconnected the hose to the stub, refilled the
> cooling system and started
> the car. Terrible roaring noise from the expansion
> tank - diagnosis blown
> head gasket. Pulled head and found it to be warped
> about .050. Replaced
> head, etc. once the car was running it occassionally
> stuttered during low
> and mid-range acceleration; gas mileage also seemed
> to be down somewhat from
> before the debacle. Over a period of about 5 months
> this problem has gotten
> worse to the point where it is often hard to get the
> car to pull itself at
> all. I know that the antifreeze could have ruined
> the 02 sensor and probably
> would have had a detrimental effect on the cat. I'm
> hoping to check out the
> 02 sensor tomorrow night. Does anyone on the list
> have any words of wisdom
> on the probable cause of my problems or any
> data/test procedures for
> checking the cat.
> Gary L. Meier
> 82 Coupe, 84 4KS, 88 5KSQ, 86 VW Quantum GL5

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