Samco GP commitments - Finalized Arrangements

Robert Myers robert at
Thu Jul 31 13:15:52 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Hi Y'all,

Samco Hose Group Purchase Ordering Procedure:

Contact ECS by phone 800-924-5172 or email <sales at>

Ask for Jack.

Identify yourself as part of the Audi Quattro group purchase group.

Give them a form of payment information (credit card or whatever or send
personal check or postal money order or...)  Card will not be billed until
order ships.  PayPal doesn't work for them - costs them too much.  This is
rather like the way you reserve a room at a motel.  Call and give credit
card info so they will hold it for you.

Indicate the car for which you are getting hoses.  urS4/S6 or 200-20 valve
will be combined to get the group pricing..

Indicate whether you want a full set or not and if not which hoses you do
want.  Pricing for partial sets will be at the same level of discount as
the group as a whole.  The discount will be 22.5% is we have at least 20
orders placed.

Indicate your color selection.

Indicate whether you want clamps or not.

Wait for your hoses to be delivered.  There will likely be some delay due
to Samco's procedures.  They tend to be a little slow.

I have 23 persons who have told me so far that they are definitely
interested in purchasing a set of hoses.  If everyone actually places an
order the full set of hoses for an urS4/S6 will cost $279 which is a 22.5%
discount from retail.  Shipping will be the actual charges somewhere in the
$5 to $15 range for the lower 48 states (US) other locations will likely be

So...  It's time to plunk down some money or at least to tell ECS that you
are ready to do so.


Osama bin Forgotten but he turned up again.

  Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244

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