NASCAR (oh, is that SPEED) TV

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Thu Jul 31 17:22:44 EDT 2003

FWIW, that's not what I meant....

> ----------
> From: 	BenediktRochow at[SMTP:BenediktRochow at]
> Sent: 	July 31, 2003 1:33 PM
> To: 	quattro at
> Subject: 	RE: NASCAR (oh, is that SPEED) TV
> >If every Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari, Lambourghini, Jaguar (+ any other
> >exotics) owner collectively complained about the NASCAR content on speed,
> [...]
> So that sort of car ownership is required (and sufficient?) to have a
> taste for interesting car racing? Please.
> I'm reminded of the "statistically, SAAB owners are more intelligent than
> other car owners" commercial.

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