Tire Rack Rant

Nate Stuart newt at newtsplace.com
Thu Jul 31 23:34:46 EDT 2003

Would it really have been so hard to give him the make/model/year of your
car? What harm could giving him more info than he really needed be? The
sales folks are probably required by their legal dept. to get that basic
information recorded so if some bozo goes and bolts up a wheel they sold
him to a totally different application and kills himself it's his fault
cause the tirerack guys can say "Hey look, he told us it was going on
this, it's not our fault he tried to use them on his tractor!" whereas
some crafty lawyer may be able to come against TR if they sell it to him
just by the specs he gave, and didn't mention every specific factor that
makes for a proper, safe rim choice.

Get off your horse and just answer a 2 second question. If he still gives
you a 'tude then hang up. It took you longer to tell him about your
friends car than it would have to probably complete the damn order.

Brett Dikeman said:
> At 8:48 PM -0400 7/31/03, Obin Olson wrote:
>>also are you guys still buying from the tirerack.com for cheap
>>tires?(I been away for list for like 3 years)
> I won't do business with Tire Rack if I can avoid it.  I got tired of
> arguing with them about what would fit my car.  Sample conversation:
> TR:"How can I help you?"
> Me:"Yes, I'd like to buy a set of Borbet Type Cs, 17x8.5, 5x112, ET
> blah blah, silver painted."
> TR:"What vehicle, sir?"
> Me:"An Audi.  Anyway, do you have the wheels in stock?"
> TR:"What MODEL, sir?"
> Me:"Look, I know exactly what I'm looking for, I just want to know if
> you have the specific size in stock."
> TR:"We don't sell wheels that way.  That wheel has to be suitable for
> your vehicle."
> Me:"This exact wheel, in the exact specifications I just gave you, is
> on a good friend's car identical to mine in every way right down to
> suspension modifications, and it fits perfectly.  Now, do you have
> the wheel in stock, or not?"
> TR(copping a SERIOUS attitude now, practically yelling at me):"SIR,
> there are OTHER considerations BESIDES whether it 'FITS'.  Load
> rating, for example."
> Me:"That wheel is spec'd for Mercedes models far heavier than my car,
> and TUV approved."
> So I (forcefully) hung up the phone
<babbling snipped>

'89 90tq

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