FW: Speedometer cable-two piece to one piece conversion

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Sun Jun 1 00:09:13 EDT 2003

>   Concerned vehicle here is my 84 CGT with a two piece speedo cable.  The
> upper one adapted a split personality on the way home from work the other
> day.  Now with flaky tachometer, no odo and a now non-existent speedometer I
> guess I will have to use the oil temp to judge my speed.  I checked the
> archive and found mention that the one piece was swapped in in lieu of the
> OXS box.  This is what I would like to do, just wondering if there are any
> circuit that need to be tricked or can I just remove the OXS box with no
> demon creation.

There are no special considerations of an electrical nature (I did this
on my '82 coupe a while back, btw).  Just unplug the OXS counter box and
throw it away, leave the plug hanging there, or use it to signal you
when anything you want to know about happens... anyway...

The issue is mechanical - you can't use the cable spec'd for the 85-87
cars, since the speedo (the one with the built in OXS timer) has a
different driver connection - a bayonet instead of the earlier screw on
locking cap thing.

I don't know how I found the part number, and a dig through my files did
not yield it - but I did find a part number for a one piece cable that
fit the old style speedo, and my dealer was able to get it easily.

OK, I looked it up for you... it's a canadian part, # 811 957 801 E

It should come with a couple of grommets, but in case it doesn't, they
are 803 957 855.

Have fun and good luck!

Huw Powell



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