Unhappy Marketplace

Mark Vogt mwvogt at mindspring.com
Sun Jun 1 16:34:12 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Not reffering to Hack, Jim

james accordino wrote:

>I don't know you, but if you found H*ack to be an
>"outstanding and honest person", I've got a bridge for
>Jim Accordino
>--- Mark Vogt <mwvogt at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>>Scammers & Scamees,
>>Please stop writing your novels on the Marketplace.
>>I can appreciate
>>that business deals can go bad, welcome to
>>About a year back there was a similar "witch trial"
>>on the list and the
>>person discussed was threatened and his home
>>specifically pointed out to
>>a local posse. I personally later ran into the
>>individual, totally by
>>chance, and found him to be an outstanding and
>>honest person.
>>As a member of the list, and pleasantly enjoying
>>it's freedoms, I feel I
>>need to speak out or print-out. There are ads posted
>>here that clearly
>>demonstrate to me an "intent to do harm" if ever
>>Mark Vogt
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