repairing aux water pump

cobram at cobram at
Tue Jun 3 00:23:36 EDT 2003

"Nicholas  Lawrence" <nick at> writes:
> Has any one had luck gluing an auxillary water pump back together?
> JB weld
> didn't hold.
> Pump is from a '90 200 tqa  TIA
> Nick

You could try a two stage high temp plastic epoxy, available at any
decent FLAPS.  I've never had any luck trying to get the pumps to stop
leaking once they start.  If you bite the bullet and the spend the $75 or
so bucks for a new one chances are you won't have to worry about it for
another decade or so.

If you can find a Mercedes junker, they've been using a similar pump
since the mid seventies, the main difference is the electrical connector.
 Plus the Mercedes style pump seems to be a much beefier design.


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