Latest fumbling autocross videos 4ktq+90tq

Nate Stuart newt at
Tue Jun 3 02:30:21 EDT 2003

Indeed, being only my second time racing, each run I feel a little more
'at home' in the course. Though I need to teach myself that to be quicker
I have to slow down. I've got a nasty habit of barreling into a corner,
then scrubbing everything to a near stop to make it within the course
layout. Rather than getting on the binders _before_ the turn, and keeping
a steady speed 'till the exit, and back on the happy pedal. :)

The last race was really nice, due to the weather there was a low turnout
so we all got 7 runs each. It was neat seeing the times creeping down with
each run, there was always at least one damn cone that jumped out in front
of me though, no matter how big a beating I gave the last one. Ask Marc,
he had to pick a couple up I think ;)

Can't wait to do it all again in a week or so.

'89 90tq

Doug Johnson said:
> Time will relax you on the autocross course.
> I remember my first event, when I cam back from my first run with hands
> _dripping_ wet from anxiety.
> With time, you'll become far more relaxed out there.
> Good luck!
>  ~ Doug
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of JShadzi at
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 9:00 PM
> To: mswanson at; newt at
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Latest fumbling autocross videos 4ktq+90tq
> Ha, I was wondering about that!  I thought maybe you were honking at the
> cones to get out of the way!  ;)  j/k
> Also sounds like you've got an iron grip on the wheel, best to get
> yourself
> a good harness to hold you in the seat so you can loosen up on your grip
> to
> help that "finesse" or smoothness you referred too.
> Great stuff!
> Javad
>> > Marc wanted me to point out that the couple of horn blats you hear
>> from
>> > his car were due to the fact that pressure on the
>> steering wheel
>> > occasionally causes his horn to sound off.
>> I _really_ need to fix that...
>> --
>> -Marc
>> 87' 4ktq (4-wheel-burnout launches == fuuuuuun)
>> 88' 90q

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