Brett Dikeman brett at
Tue Jun 3 21:27:29 EDT 2003

Okay, I'll bite, even though I just got through complaining last
weekend at the UrQ-fest about off-topic postings...

At 5:56 PM -0400 6/3/03, Robert Myers wrote:
>Has anybody seen this?
>   Any experience with it?

Yep, and it's probably responsible for millions of pounds of
pollution every year from wasted electricity.

Seriously people, turn off your computers(or put them into sleep
mode) when you're not using 'em, rather than wasting energy on crap
like this*.  There are no little green men, and if you think about it
logically, even if there are, they might as well not be around, given
the distances involved(think through all the problems of
communications taking hundreds of years each way.)

*saves you money, too, turning it off.  Cost of running a 150W
computer 24hrs, 365 15 cents kw/hr: $197(if I kept my units
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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