4kcsq Fuel Filter Frustration Gone! (sort of)

passat TS passat_ts at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 5 14:55:12 EDT 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]


IMHO, one should always replace copper washers. They are suppose to crush and
fit the profile of whatever your using them for. They are dirty cheap at any
FLAPS. Just take the old washer to the shop and get what you need. Tip: don't
say it's for an Audi, at least around here, the counter guy always freak out.
Old Audi's are pretty rare around here though.



ps. I got through the same PITA experience before.
>From: Tapparoo at aol.com
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: 4kcsq Fuel Filter Frustration Gone! (sort of)
>Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 23:16:30 EDT
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>Mucho thanks to all who added tips. You guys were right, just took a little
>more muscle. I will never make another joke about Bob Vila again. I ended up
>dumping a load of liq wrench on the bolt, grabbed a pair of Craftsman
>RoboGrip pliers to the filter, then cranked real hard on the bolt. Cranked so
>that when it finally snapped loose, my face slammed into the car and I broke
>glasses. Hurt like hell but am happy I got it off.
>New problem(s) though. First, those little copper washers. Do I need to
>replace them or just make sure I put them back on? I put the whole dilly back
>together again, (washers in the right places) had my pops rev the engine, no
>spewing out. However, I am going on a road trip soon and don't want to find
>out the hard way in the middle of Arkansas or something.
>Second, my fuel pump. With the car on, it buzzes a little. When the tank
>drops below 1/4, it gets REAL loud. Sometimes when it is low on gas and I
>it, there is hesitation in accel as well. Hesitation never happens when tank
>is above 1/4-1/2 full. Long explaination even longer; pretty sure I should
>replace the pump, but I don't want to spend 200+ bucks on a new one. Are
>any newer models (80, 90, 100, etc.) that use the same pump? How reliable
>would it be to pull one off a wrecked 87 4kcsq? Know of a junkyard with a few
>Audis of various models, but don't want to spend the dough if it won't work
>Again, thanks for the tips and in advance on the fuel pump help.

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