Oil pressures Acceptable high RPM oil pressur

Suffolk GameServer LAN suffolk.associates at verizon.net
Thu Jun 5 13:50:58 EDT 2003

Porsche are generally 1 bar per 1000 RPM
Most I-5/4 cyl Audis I've owned made 4-5 bar at highway speed.
The last 20V (rebuilt) I got must of had sewing machine oil.
3 bar at 3-4000 RPM.  Made me neverous.
After 1.5K the oil change went to 10/40W dino oil
(Mann filter) and presures were 4-5 bar at 3000 RPM.
-Scott in BOSTON just feedback from observations.

Your pressure seem OKAY.  I am not an expert.
Filter can be the issue.
Pressure on gauge may not equate to oil flow.
(thin oils don't build pressure?)
Cold oil is thicker, Hot oil is thinner.
Then there is viscosity thickness.
just to name some factors.
NAC:  Saturn motors seem to have oil pump drop in pressure above 6000 RPM.

>Subject: Acceptable high RPM oil pressure
>Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 09:04:23 -0400

>Is there a minimum acceptable oil pressure for an I5 turbo at 5k + RPM?
>Reason I ask is that my 20vt exhibits the following oil pressure / RPM

>Hot Oil (100 C)
>700 RPM / 22 psi (1.5 bar)
>2000 RPM / 34 psi (2.25 bar)
3000 RPM / 45 psi (3 bar)
3500 RPM / 50 psi (3.5 bar)
4000 RPM / 58 psi (4 bar)
5000 RPM / 62 psi (4.2 bar)
6000 RPM / 63 psi (4.25 bar)
Cold Oil (25 C)
700 RPM / 85 psi (5.7 bar)

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