Bomb replacement audi 90 20v

james accordino ssgacc at
Thu Jun 5 19:28:06 EDT 2003

Good call.  I think many of our failures could be
cured by system fluid flushes.  Hydro, brakes and
coolant.  I just helped a friend with a Dorf Taurus
with 4 wheel disks.  VERY similar rear wheel calipers.
 Guess what, the calipers and rear brake bias valve
were all gunked up with brown/black crud.  Another
case of pad stuffing.  Just put new pads on and Wala.
A $79.95 brake job.  No bleeding necessary.  Unless
you actually keep the car.

Jim Accordino

--- Bernard Littau <bernardl at>
> That being said, you should drain and flush the
> system completely to do good
> job.  Some bombs fail due to crud in the valve
> rather than loss of pressure,
> so it behooves you to get the crud out of the
> system.
> You should also bleed your brakes while you are down
> there with your hands
> dirty already -- bleed your brakes at least once a
> year :-)
> Best,
> Bernard Littau
> Woodinville, WA
> '88 5ktq
> '86 4kq

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