Need Help with 10v turbo Spark Problem

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Fri Jun 6 20:20:42 EDT 2003

  I need a little clarification on the operation of the COIL in
the Audi 5kt Ignition System.  Most 10v Turbo Cars use the same
  I have no spark from the coil in my car.  I have tested
Primary and Secondary Resistance in the coil and both check out
fine.  I have also tested the voltage to the "Ingition Coil
Power Stage Switching Unit".  Bently specs "0.2v or higher"  I
get about twice that.  What else is needed?  I have 11.8v to all
four terminals on top of the coil.  "1 & 15".  NOw it seems to
me that the Power switching stage is in spec, coil windings are
in spec and power is getting to the coil, why isn't it firing?
  Todd  (Oh yea, seems to be an intermittent problem, It
happened once before)

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