Hood Vents

ben swann benswann at comcast.net
Sat Jun 7 07:20:25 EDT 2003

OK - chuckles.

I must say the hood Mark Swanson has looks pretty good.

However for that price I'd prefer to DIY some vents into a stock hood.
Did someone have a fiberglass one with functional vents?


---- Original Message -----
From: Tom Nas <tnas at euronet.nl>
Date: Saturday, June 7, 2003 3:32 am
Subject: Re: Hood Vents

> ben swann <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:
> >I just acquire a Ur Quattro which I consider worth adding one of
> these>if not too costly.  Perhaps a group buy could be arranged.
> An Urquattro group buy? But who gets to drive it? :-)
> Tom

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