FW: 2004 A8L

auditude at cox.net auditude at cox.net
Mon Jun 9 19:50:20 EDT 2003

I saw one here at the dealer, day before yesterday.  Beautiful car.  I believe it was $76k and change.

While I was there, I got to drive a lightly modded TT 225 with a Forge bypass valve.  It was the ALMS model with red leather interior and a 6-speed.  I can see why people like those cars.

This morning coming to work in my Coupe GT, I got a thumbs up from someone in a Nogaro Blue neu-S4.  It's just a happy Audi time lately I guess. :)


Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com wrote:

did you happen to notice a price tag?
> ----------
> From: Theron & Laurah Bliss[SMTP:theronlaurah at hotmail.com]
>      While going to the dealer last night to drive my possible new
> purchase
> (1999 A8 Quatro), I happened to notice the most awe inspiring car sitting
> on
> the lot.  After glancing at it for a few seconds, I realized that it
> completely shadowed the three Porsches surrounding it, including a new
> Porsche GT2.  They claimed it is the first new A8 in the states, and it
> just
> might be.  Silver, 19" wheels, charcoal leather.  Wow.  In person it has
> such a massive and impressive stance, you almost forget it isn't really a
> sports car.  I can't even describe it in words.
> That it all.

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