Cold start problems - throttle switch

edkellock at edkellock at
Wed Jun 11 00:39:38 EDT 2003

On my '89 200q MC-2 I had a fuel pressure problem.  I bought a new fuel
pump check valve and when I got in there I found that the existing one
wasn't tight.  It's an inline deal and the union was loose. I replaced it
anyway and made sure to tighten it appropriately.  No more cold starting

Colorado Springs

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:13:26 -0600 bwpearre at
(Benjamin Weste Pearre) writes:
> Hey...
> My car recently started experiencing cold-start problems.  I can
> crank
> and crank, and the engine just won't start.  Eventually it catches,
> and then either it idles roughly at about 100? rpm (almost stalled)
> for 20 seconds or so (?) and then I give it gas and it's happy
> thereafter, or it just catches and runs perfectly.  Subsequent warm
> starts are fine (usually).
> The timing roughly coincided with me replacing the throttle switch
> and
> MM hose.  I'd assumed that all the WOT runs I'd done had affected
> something, but here's a new idea:
> What if I mis-adjusted the throttle switch?  I adjusted its idle
> position so that it was pretty sensitive to the throttle being
> depressed.  What would happen if the throttle switch didn't close
> at
> idle?  Say, with the engine warm it was closed, but when the engine
> cooled off it opened slightly?  Would that make the car hard to
> start?
> I don't think so, since I should be able to depress the gas and
> still
> start fine (just how does the start cycle work in an MC engine?).
> But
> it's a thought -- could it be the problem?  Another reason to
> believe
> that it's not the problem is that the car doesn't show any other
> symptoms of the idle position not working, but possibly the switch
> works better when warm...  The car's at the mechanic now, which is
> why
> I ask here rather than re-adjusting it...
> Thanks very much!
> -Ben
> --
> Ben Pearre          1990 200TQA

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