Refrigerant and rebuilding AC
Robert Myers
robert at
Thu Jun 12 20:34:51 EDT 2003
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hi Y'all,
Here's a little tidbit of information provided by Duracool:
Components of the various flavors of Duracool from the on-line Duracool
MSDS statements:
ethyl hydride
These are definitely misleading names.
methylethylmethane is more properly called butane - the main ingredient you
burn when you "flick your Bic".
2-methylpropane is the proper name but it is commonly called isobutane. It
is simply an isomer of butane (slightly lower boiling point and therefore
likely to be a better coolant than butane).
Dimethylmethane is properly called propane. This is very similar to
butane. The two butanes are both C4H10. Propane is C3H8.
ethyl hydride is an exceedingly deceptive name for ethane, C2H6.
Each of these components both individually and collectively are EXTREMELY
FLAMMABLE. They will likely do a fine job of providing cool to the
interior of your automobile. Until, that is, the time comes when they
ignite and then they will provide a great excess of heat.
I don't want the stuff in my car's HVAC system.
At 06:59 PM 6/12/2003 -0400, Stephen Santoliquido wrote:
>O.K. Someone try to convince me that Ryan isn't a duracool sales rep. ;~)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
>Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:21 PM
>To: aL pOWELL
>Cc: quattro at
>Subject: Re: Refrigerant and rebuilding AC
>I just recharged the system on my car for the summer, and I have to say that
>I found an awesome alternative to r-12 or r-134a. I saw a message from last
>year in the archives about a product called Duracool. (
>6oz of this product is equivalent to 17 oz of R12. It's organic, and
>contains no CFCs, and it's also non-corrosive. The best part is that it's
>CHEAP, and they ship it to WI, where you can't even buy 134a legally. I
>paid about $32 shipped for a kit to fill my system. It can go right in with
>the old R12 or R134a. I ordered from and fedex delivered it
>a day later. This stuff is really incredible. I only needed 1 6oz can to
>make my AC blow like an arctic wind. Plus, it only costs $7 per can if I
>ever need to buy more to refill. I think I just might buy a case.
>It's the best solution for recharging, bar none. It's hardly even worth
>tracking down a leak in the system when it's so cheap(and still
>environmentally friendly) to recharge.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: aL pOWELL <apowell at>
>Date: Monday, June 9, 2003 7:21 pm
>Subject: Refrigerant and rebuilding AC
> > Related to the question about releasing refrigeratnt into the
> > atmosphere...
> > The last time I had to do an AC job (last summer), recovering the
> > refrigerant was moot onna counta it had left the premises already.
> > If this
> > were not the case, I would have taken it to an AC shop and had
> > them purge
> > the system. I feel that we should do this as responsible
> > citizens, but I'm
> > not under the delusion that the ozone layer disappeared for a day
> > becauseone single car lost its load of R-12. (I'm not even
> > convinced that R-12 from
> > automobiles is really an issue with the ozoen layer, but that's
> > anotherdebate.)
> >
> > My experience is that MOST AC shops want to do all the work
> > themselves and
> > charge you $$$$$$ prices for parts. They will refuse to do the
> > job unless
> > you let them do the whole job...and this is especially true of
> > dealerships.I understand why they wnt to do this - they're in
> > business to make money.
> > However, they don't have to live on MY money. Capitalism also
> > means you have
> > choices! If you look around and make some calls and are VERY clear
> > that you
> > are doing the parts replacement and only need the system charged,
> > it, you'll
> > find an **independent shop** that has no problem with charging
> > your system
> > when you bring it to them. The shop I found also replaced a bad
> > fitting in
> > the conversion kit I bought as I was changing my 1990 200 to R-134A.
> >
> > Results - low repair bill, functioning AC. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
> >
> > ************************************
> > Al Powell
> > apowell at
> > 1958 Fiat 1200 Transformabile Spyder
> > 1983 Datsun 280ZX Turbo
> > 1990 Audi 200
> > 1999 Chebby Blazer
> > ************************************
> >
> >
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One nation, under surveillance. :-(
Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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