odd hiss, clutch master issues

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Tue Jun 17 01:15:44 EDT 2003

(87.5 really special ed cgt)

> Sean Shoemaker and I went through this ordeal a few months back.  If I
> recall correctly, we finally were able to reverse bleed by forcing
> fluid into the bleed port on the slave cylinder and back into the
> reservior.  The method of conecting a hose to the brake and using the
> brake to force fluid into the slave cyl bleed port did not work, mostly
> because it kept blowing off the hose and messing things up.
> I think somewhere in the successful part of the process, we needed to
> depress the pedal, and let up very slowly as the pressure bleeder
> forced fluid in.

Epilogue to my story...

I obtained a new master cylinder from Mr. Force 5 Semple, and put it in
this evening (getting good at it, too!).

My homemade pressure bleeder is so much better now that Nate pointed out
that if I tightened all the fittings it took me to get from 1/4" plastic
tube to the brake reservoir cap some of the brake fluid might actually
go into the master instead of all over the floor.

I bled it by running about 25 PSI into the reservoir and opening the
clutch bleeder.  I watched as fluid ran out until a few air bubble
interruptions came along, then ran it some more for good luck.

Then before trying it, I slowly pushed the clutch pedal in by hand and
out again a couple of times.  With the bleeder open.  so the next bleed
cycle pushed out the air that got sucked in to the open bleeder...

Then I closed the bleeder and did the pedal thing again, just to see if
there were any bubbles that needed to hiccup out of it (who knows?).
Bled it one more time, saw no bubbles, so I closed it up.

It works now.  I think I might need to adjust the master drive rod thing
though - anyone have the "spec" on it from the Bentley (somehow I don't
have the red bentley for these later cars...)

Now I will invest in registering the darn car so I can test drive it

So far, comments on the digidash (this works perfectly) - the speedo
sample rate is a bit weird, hard to yank off some speed to a specific
point, since the speedo lags a bit.  The analogs are better for this.
But I do like the little flashing green reminder that it is dark out.

Huw Powell



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