Comments on MC pistons please

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Tue Jun 17 15:00:33 EDT 2003

--- Per Lindgren <lindgre at> wrote:
> Hey all
> I've just bought an MC engine for my car, an engine
> that is dismantled
> due to the PO finding out the hard way that the MC
> engines are
> interference engines. All 5 pistons have small valve
> head marks in them
> (see picture link), I was wondering if it is safe to
> reuse these pistons
> (after I smoothen them, of course). The local dealer
> wants $300 per
> piston (yeah, I know there are ways to get them
> cheaper).
> Oh, another thing, how do I tell if this engine is
> MC-1 or MC-2? The
> engine code is MC 020 679, all references in TFA is
> for VIN, not engine
> code. Not that it matters much, it comes with WR
> engine management and
> all correct hardware for my car as it was previously
> installed in an Urq :-)

Per, I'm not sure I'd want to re-use those.  That dent
looks pretty bad, plus if you look around the top ring
you can see some pits from detonation.  My MC pistons
have a real small 515 0487 part # on top.  Right about
where your dent is.  I'd sell them to you, but they
are in far worse shape, plus it's my
paperwieght/reminder not to run my car lean.  I bet
you can find a used set pretty easy, most are usually
in perfect shape.


Jim Green
'89 90tq

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