Circuit Diagram for '83 Quattro Coupe

ben swann benswann at
Wed Jun 18 10:38:28 EDT 2003


I have Visio, so will probably be able to read the file.  I had to use
that in order to printout the multi-page gif and then had to tape

I am surprized at how good the wiring and the fusebox look - Once I
removed a few cludges done to install aftermarket radio, etc.  I
checked the condition of the bullit connector blocks and there were
none of the types of burning or corrosion I've seen on some other
cars.  Apparently the car has been spared from the ravages of sitting
for 6 years, as interior was fairly dry and clean.  I know I'll want to
swap out in the future, but want to square away other issues first.

Did you redo/convert each wire in the harness to spade connectors, or
actually swap out all the harnesses?


----- Original Message -----
From: Huw Powell <audi at>
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:16 pm
Subject: Re: Circuit Diagram for '83 Quattro Coupe

[> It would be good to have a fusebox diagram similar to the one on
your > site that shows the older style.  That might help with a
migration of > sorts.

Ben, I made that diagram when I was working out the details of a
fusebox swap on the 82 coupe.

In the original file (which is a Visio .vsd I think), to the right of
the diagram every pinout is identified by function and wire color, and
to the right of that is the wire color (almost always the same) and pin
location of the corresponding wire in the underdash fusebox.

I can try to make you a printed copy if you give me your snail mail
addy (again).

The internals of the underdash are easy to figure out.  A lot of the
fuses and relays are connected, barely, to a lot of the pins on the
back.  If in doubt, they are melted, bypass them.  If they aren't
melted, they are corroded.  And if they work for now, be reassured that
the circuit trace is under the needed gauge to work indefinitely.

Don't even get me started on those 19th century fuses and holders...

In other words, I saw no point to analyzing its internals, it's junk,
so why bother?

I once fried an underhood fusebox (don't ask) in  my 90Q, it took a
couple-three hours to swap it out completely.  Much nicer.

More to follow...

Huw Powell]

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