Comments on MC pistons please

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Wed Jun 18 09:48:44 EDT 2003

--- Per Lindgren <lindgre at> wrote:
> Ok, I must say I'm a bit confused about these
> pistons
> I've got 5 people telling me, sure, they can be
> smoothened out and
> reused, while 4 persons (so far) says "no way". I'm
> leaning to the
> latter myself, even though my wallet isnt.
> I've received a couple of offers for used MC1
> pistons, but as some
> people have told me, I should use MC2 pistons
> because I will get better
> torque and faster spool-up, and will work better
> with the 034EFI. MC2
> pistons is what I have now, I believe, they are
> marked 81P11+. The
> engine block is definitely an MC2, but with all the
> WR hardware on this
> engine, I'm not sure if the pistons are the correct
> ones. I will put in
> new rings, no matter what.

I think the deciding factor is how much power are you
shooting for?  If it's above 250 hp, I would go for
the ideal setup, a good set of MC-2 pistons,  EFI, and
a better exhaust manifold.  If you are going to stay
below that, smooth the dents out, throw new rings on
the pistons and be done with it.  The only remaining
problem is the engine management.  The WX was made for
a lower compression engine which means you're going to
have to retard the timing to eliminate knock.  You can
probably get it to work OK on premium fuel until you
can get better control of the timing.

I personally don't think it's worth any kind of money
to mess with a CIS swap anymore.  If money is an
issue, get a megasquirt and an MC-2 ignition computer
and be done with it.  I even think they have a basic
DIY ignition controller now called megaspark.

Since we're on engine management, I'll say that the
034EFI stage II is a great unit.  After less than a
week I already have the car running at about 95% of
what it was with the Haltech ign. controller, and it's
only in it's beginning stages as far as features go.
Another week of fine tunning and it will be better I'm

> So, does anyone have a set of MC2 pistons for a nice
> price?

Did you ask Chris Semple if he would pull the pistons
out of that block for you?

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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