Dumb brake maintenance questions

Rocket Science Racing rocketscienceracing at attbi.com
Fri Jun 20 08:22:36 EDT 2003


There are no "innocent tools", *especially* big flat-head screwdrivers
and BFH's :-) :-)

Brute force = the answer, that's what I thought, just wanted to be sure
before I cut loose with the not-so-innocent.

Thanks again!


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hoffman [mailto:billzcat1 at hotmail.com]

When I had to deal with frozen/rusted calipers on my 100LS, I removed
rotor and caliper together and hammered the living daylights out of the
caliper to the point where the pads finally broke their grip and
the rusty lip.

In less extreme situations, I go for the big flat-head screwdriver and
usually good enough to pry them apart.
Good luck

> > 1. How do you get the caliper off when there is that ridge of rusty
> > material around the edge?
> usually you can pry on a brake pad or such to compress the piston a
> and create more clearance.
> or try removing some of the rust ridge by whacking it with whatever
> innocent tool is lying at hand.
> --
> Huw Powell

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