Exploding Rotors: why you do not drill
Alan Pritchard
apritchard at seaeye.com
Mon Jun 23 09:42:51 EDT 2003
oh my god..... i had considered these rotors as my local porsche/vw/audi
shop sells them as their only performance disc....
-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett at cloud9.net]
Sent: 20 June 2003 16:55
To: Bob Rossato; quattro at audifans.com
Cc: Steve Marinello
Subject: RE: Exploding Rotors: why you do not drill
At 7:41 AM -0400 6/20/03, Bob Rossato wrote:
>Not to start a thread on pros and cons of drilled rotors but, it is
>obvious that these rotors were a home made job. There is a rudimentary
>pattern to the holes but the spacing is all over the place and the holes
>look bigger than anything else I've seen. I'm not defending drilled
>rotors but the reason these exploded has a lot more to do with the fact
>that some clueless individual just went to town on them with a drill
>press without any regard to the size of the holes, amount of material
>removed, or balance of the rotor. If someone is actually selling these
>things in this condition then that is downright criminal.
They were Zimmerman rotors, made in Germany; not a homemade job.
Their rotors seem to be widely sold by VW/Audi/Porsche 'performance
shops' on the net.
In person they appeared to be drilled in a perfectly even pattern,
consistent hole size, so on etc. Also, if they were not balanced,
one thinks the TT owner would have noticed immediately at 120+ mph on
the front straight.
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