CGT throwout bearing noisy- but teardown shows it's OK?!

qshipaz at qshipaz at
Mon Jun 23 08:58:42 EDT 2003

Good evening,

Well, I finally was able to get the CGT 100% disassembled (at least as far =
as my current plans for it were concerned);
replacing control arms, CV boot, tie rod ends, strut mounts, oh, and clutch=
 and hydraulics. It had a broken subframe bolt and awful throwout bearing n=
oise (howling/scratchy noise when pedal's depressed). So I started taking a=
ll of the above apart about a month ago (bought another Datsun 240Z- my oth=
er auto addiction and the current daily driver). Phoenix heat makes hobby w=
renching a slow process in the summer...
Tonight the transmission finally hit the garage floor.

The throwout bearing is quiet when spun, no serious play in it.

What else could cause this noise? It was the whole reason I tore half the c=
ar apart. If it is going to sound the same after I do the clutch, I have wa=
sted a *lot* of time. BTDTs welcome...


'86 CGT taking up most of a two car garage right now

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