Exploding Rotors: why you do not drill

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Jun 23 21:58:28 EDT 2003

Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:

> SO, solid rotors don't disintegrate!  Solid rotors are pretty
> foolproof.  You can overheat them like crazy and they won't do much
> except warp and glaze over, right?  They certainly won't explode in
> a shower of metal and take out the caliper, wheel, tire, and brake
> system.

I've seen solid (not drilled)  rotors come apart.  The hat separates from
the platter, and sometimes this will cause them to "explode" as you put
it.  Not that normal either, I've seen maybe 4 in my travels, FWIW.


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