wandering temp needle

Douglas Frank frank at zk3.dec.com
Tue Jun 24 14:48:03 EDT 2003


Car is a '98 A4 tq which I've had since new.  In the 5 years and 85k
miles I've had it, the temp needle (once fully warmed) has stayed pegged
at dead center of the gauge-- winter or summer, doesn't matter; light
throttle or leadfoot-- whatever, the needle is glued dead center and
never moves a hair.

...until a trip to Maine last week.  Curiously, the needle would wander
around on the cold side of "normal," then ease back to its usual haunt
and stay there for a while-- then drift "cold" for a while, waver a bit
and drift back to center.  This went on for two hours at cruising speed.
  Nothing else abnormal at all.  Coolant level was fine.  Thermostat is
the original.

As soon as I crossed back into NH, the temp needle straightened itself
out and hasn't moved off center since.

Must be the Maine air, right?  But wait-- all those blackflies plugging
the radiator should make it run warmer, not cooler...!

Douglas Frank  DigitalWhoopsCompaqImeanHP Co.
ZKO            110 Spit Brook Rd.       The older I get,
603-884-0501   Nashua, NH USA 03062       the better I was.

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