wandering temp needle
passat TS
passat_ts at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 24 19:13:58 EDT 2003
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I have two 1.8T cars. So far I've replaced 3 sensors on these cars, one was
under warranty but the other two I had to do it myself. Granted it's a cheap
sensor ($7), but it's a hassle. VAG should recall these things, and put a
decent one.
If you want to replace it yourself let me know, and I'll help you. I have more
experience with this RR than I'd like to...
Welcome to the "sensor" club.
>From: Douglas Frank
>To: quattro list
>Subject: wandering temp needle
>Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:48:03 -0400
>Car is a '98 A4 tq which I've had since new. In the 5 years and 85k
>miles I've had it, the temp needle (once fully warmed) has stayed
>at dead center of the gauge-- winter or summer, doesn't matter;
>throttle or leadfoot-- whatever, the needle is glued dead center and
>never moves a hair.
>...until a trip to Maine last week. Curiously, the needle would
>around on the cold side of "normal," then ease back to its usual
>and stay there for a while-- then drift "cold" for a while, waver a
>and drift back to center. This went on for two hours at cruising
> Nothing else abnormal at all. Coolant level was fine. Thermostat
>the original.
>As soon as I crossed back into NH, the temp needle straightened
>out and hasn't moved off center since.
>Must be the Maine air, right? But wait-- all those blackflies
>the radiator should make it run warmer, not cooler...!
>Douglas Frank DigitalWhoopsCompaqImeanHP Co.
>ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd. The older I get,
>603-884-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062 the better I was.
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