FW: Generic o2 sensor Bosch. -what about neihoff?

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Tue Jun 24 16:17:22 EDT 2003

Local FLAPS (in Canada) carries Neihoff (sp?) brand.  I called today and the
89 Taurus 3 ltr 02 sensor costs $57.33 Canadian and they have it in stock!

Now, the big question, how does Neihoff compare in quality?  Anybody have
some input?  I've heard of them, and maybe even used a distributor rotor in
the past.....  At least is sounds German....:)


> ----------
> From: 	cobram at juno.com[SMTP:cobram at juno.com]
> Sent: 	June 24, 2003 11:51 AM
> To: 	bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu
> Cc: 	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	Re: Generic o2 sensor Bosch.
> $80 is a bit steep for a universal sensor.  Plenty in the archives on
> this one.  Local FLAPS usually sell the Ford application cheaper than the
> universal one (go figure.)
> The good news, is that the prices are coming down, especially for the OEM
> harnessed sensors. Bosch now has competition from NTK, Denso and
> Adavantex for the harnessed sensors.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Benjamin Weste Pearre <bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu> writes:
> > Huh.  Blau wants $80 for the generic...  is it the same part?  Blau
> > isn't often that far above anyone else...
> >
> > http://www.audiquattroparts.com/tuneup/oxygen_sensors.htm
> >
> > > CHris at ForceFive.com has 'em. Concord NH
> > > Generic Ford> if you like to splice: price is right. ~$40
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