Got an '88 80 4cyl for almost free, now what? Also 5ktq update.

John Forbes john at
Thu Jun 26 03:45:51 EDT 2003

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So one of my customers calls me the other day, says his Audi that he left h=
ere in FL when he temporarily moved to WA got stolen and recovered. Said if=
 I paid the storage fee I could have the car. Sounds like a deal. Storage f=
ee was $200, paid it, jump started the car and drove it home! So now I've g=
ot this 80 4cyl autobox thing sitting here, and I'm looking at it, then at =
my 5ktq (was ~290hp before the fire), then back to the 80. Lets see here, t=
he 3100lb 5k would run a 13.8 in the 1/4, 0-60 in 5.5-6 seconds, then the 2=
500lb 80 would just have to be a little tire eating rocket ship with 300hp!=
 Now I understand you Javad (though I still think its more fun to beat a Ve=
tte in a big 'ol 5k!). So now my questions:

1) What exactly has to be moved arround to make an MC-1 fit? I have 3 spare=
 MC-1s here, and enough accessories to do the conversion. Are then any reso=
urces on conversion details arround?
2) If so what tranny do I use? I think it would be fun to use the autobox a=
nd see how long it takes to kill it (thinking maybe 100yards). I have 1 spa=
re 5kq tranny here, if it will fit (?) I could just run it with the diff lo=
ck on until I figure out something better/ get money for the proper tranny.
3) From what I see it looks like the radiator assembly has to go elsewhere =
to fit a 5cyl. Would I just use a 5cyl rad setup and make my own ducting?
4) Whats the compression ratio on the 4cyl engine? Maybe if the 5cyl conver=
sion is too much I'll just slap a turbo right on the 4cyl and give it a few=
 tenths of a bar.
5) Am I crazy and should I just leave it be for a backup incase the 5k is a=
part for some reason? Rephrased, are the 80s reliable enough to be truly de=
pended upon as a backup car?

My new 5ktq is on its way now too, should have it next week. My old one (th=
e fire victim), while fast, was kinda beat up - seats were cracked, hood wa=
s dented and it was missing some trim. The new one is really pretty. Its bl=
ack, painted recently, and the interior was reupholstered at the same time.

To satisfy any curiosity out there about the insurance on the old 5k, blue =
book value on the car was $1100, State Farm gave me $2500 including the $50=
0 deductable. Considering I paid $750 for it, and had just a tad over $1k i=
nto it (including buying 2 parts cars!), I think I made out fairly well. Th=
e new 5ktq was $1700, then the cost of the 80, then shipping for the 5ktq, =
and I still got to eat out the past 2 days kinda sorta for free. Of course =
now I'm broke again and trying to figure out where to get the money to buil=
d the new ignition system for my cars!

'86 5ktq
'87 5ktq
'88 80 4cyl
I've recently realised Audis are herd animals, and magnetic to each other.

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