1998 A6 braking shudder.

Greg Markov gregmarkov at cox.net
Thu Jun 26 01:09:18 EDT 2003

Hello all,

First, allow me to briefly introduce myself.  I am a long time German
auto fan.  However, I have never considered an Audi, until this recent
car search.  I was looking through the ads, and an A6 caught my eye.
After much research, I decided to go for it.  So far ... I LOVE it!
Now, onto my question.  This particular car has 50kMi on the clock, and
has had all services performed on time.  I have an extended warrantee
through 100kMi (not Audi Assured).  The car is going in for an oil
change and some warrantee work, but I wanted to get some experts
feedback before being ripped off by the dealers.  I am experiencing a
harsh shimmy in the steering wheel when braking at highway speeds.  My
initial thought would be warped rotors, BUT I had an identical problem
on a Volvo I had, and the solution ended up being a support arm
bushing!  So, I am wondering if this is a known problem on these cars,
and what I should be expecting at the dealers.  Also, is it possible
that the rotors are warped after 50kMi of service?  If so, what can I
expect to pay for a front rotor/pads job on this car?  I would normally
do this myself, but I really don't have the time anymore ... I saw that
I can buy a set of rotors and pads for under $150!
Two other things I am having addressed are a broken center cupholder
(won't stay folded), and a rear window lockout switch.  Should be fixed
under warrantee.
Also, can anyone recommend a good independent shop in Phoenix, Arizona?

Thanks in advance, and I am looking forward to being a part of this

Greg Markov
Phoenix, AZ
1998 A6Q 52kMi

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