Old EC 4kq articles...

Todd Young auditodd at attbi.com
Fri Jun 27 11:51:09 EDT 2003

Great effort, but does anyone have the originals so that they can be
scanned in color?

I recently acquired an Astra 1200S SCSI scanner, and jerry rigged a ISA
SCSI card for one of my spare PCs. So....if anyone in the Twin Cities
(Minnesota) has the issues available, we could scan the articles and I
could email them out. I've got a broadband connection, so emailing out
large files is not a problem.

To bad my cable provider says I can't run a web/FTP server off my
connection, I've got the extra hardware....I could easily do it if I had
a domain name.

Dave Hord wrote:
> Ben,
> Thanks!
> The euro-headlight and wheel/tire pdf links are incorrect...but everything else
> worked like a champ!
> -Dave
> --
> 86 4ksq 266,600km new to me as of March 5th 2003... will it stick around??
> 89 90q  330,000km as of Feb 26th.
> Rally Conversion...perpetually in progress...
> Roll cage shots available at:
> http://home.the-wire.com/~spokes/rollcage/page1.htm
> Quoting ben swann <benswann at comcast.net>:
>>I should have them on my site:
>>Let me know if any are missing, as I did this in somewhat of a hurry.
>>[Hey Gang,
>>I've contacted Primedia, and they only carry back issues of European
>>Car from 1998 and newer.  I'd love to find some articles on the 4kq's,
>>back in their period.
>>I know Ti's 4k was featured, and there was a black 4kq in the last five
>>years or so...but what about other articles?
>>Someone here must know them all...

Todd Young
7079 Dawn Ave. E.
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

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