Coupe GT -- Digital Dash -- False Overheating

edkellock at edkellock at
Fri Jun 27 22:30:45 EDT 2003

I have experienced the same behavior.  Low level in the tank can momentaril=
y (or longer, the lower the level is) cause the digi-dash to signal an over=
heat warning.  It happens infrequently enough that I am usually surprised a=
nd momentarily worried by it.  Then I remember...

--- David <duandcc_forums at> wrote:

I have found on several occasions that a false overheating with the digi-da=
sh can be due to being just slightly low on coolant. You need to make sure =
your coolant is OVEr the line in the expansion tank. The level sensor is ve=
ry sensative...

1987 CGT Special Build 2.3
SE Virginia
> From: "80q" <80q at>
> Date: 2003/06/27 Fri AM 08:37:04 EDT
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: Coupe GT -- Digital Dash -- False Overheating
> In my CGT with the Digital dash the temperature sensor indicates that the=
 car is overheating when it is not.
> I know that I need to change the sessor, but I am having trouble locating=
 the correct part number.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Jeff

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