The art of persuasion...

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Jun 28 08:05:44 EDT 2003

I'm sure you're talking about the rear calipers.  The
pistons need to be rotated clockwise while pressure is
applied to the face.  Just pressing will not move
them, no matter how hard.  There are special tools or
spanner wrenches, but you can use Channel Locks or a
pipe wrench.  Grip the rim of the piston above the
boot lip.  This metal can be mildly roughed up without
cutting the boot.

Jim Accordino

--- gwbutler <gwbutler at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a very quick question. Any BTDT's relative to
> un-freezing brake calipers on an 88 5ksq? My trusted
> wrench (non-Audi) says he's tried to move the
> pistons...but to no avail.  Any advice or low-tech
> tricks?  TIA and have a good weekend.
> Regards;
> George B.
> 84 4ksq
> 88 5ksq
> Massachusetts

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