Ebay.de and dealing with problems

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Jun 28 22:42:41 EDT 2003

Gee, Lars assured me that his packaging was 100% "security", and that
this had never happened before.  His idea of "Audi" packaging was a
flimsy cardboard box with the purdy Audi logos, unfortunatly the box was
made for canister oil filters, not headlights.  I'm still trying to
collect the "$200" or so dollars he insured it for.  My headlights
arrived in jigsaw puzzle format too.

He's been communicative with me, up until the last couple days when I've
been pressing him for the insurance receipt the Post Office asked for.

Get in touch with me by private email for more details.


ScottyCBoy at aol.com writes:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Just an FYI for all those seeking good deals with Ebay.de.
> I purchased a set of V8 eurolamps from a vendor (KRULL77) on Ebay.de
> about 2 months ago. They finally arrived and low and behold one of the
> lenses was busted. the lamps were just thrown in a big box with a few
pieces of
> crumpled newspaper, very poorly packaged. I contacted the seller to
make a
> claim and then all communication ceased. I left neutral feedback, and a
few days
> later he left negative feedback.
> So if you think your getting a good deal from Ebay.de think again. I
> got the lamps at about half new prices, but after new lenses (both were

> pitted badly) I'll be getting by with about 3/4 the price of new. Then
there is
> the distinct possiblity that you may never get the items that you
purchased which
> has happened too.
> On another note, I have gotten a few good deals from people on
> Ebay.de, as
> always buyer beware!!!
> Scott

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