i need a little wiring help w/ multi function temp sensor [88 90q]

Andrei Kogan akogan at mit.edu
Sat Mar 1 23:45:42 EST 2003


the bentley says

1T = BL/BR
2/R = BL/W
4C = BL/Y
3/+ = BK/BL

lead identification on the thermoswitch:

   T          R  |
   +           C |

+  carries plus voltage from terminal 15a
C sends signal to overheat warning light above 120 C
R goes to a/c safety switch
T  sends signal to coolant temperature gauge.

Could not verify on the car -- All wires but one broke off the harness
connector. The connector is rotten -- looks like a slow coolant leak from
the hose above it got it. So is the connector on the thermoswitch. why did
they mount it under the hose????

I got confused though. there is another sender on the upper side of the
housing. I understand this is not a CIS sender. Bentley suggests that
without autocheck, there is a connection on the upper side that has two
signal pins, one for the overheat light and one for the gauge in the
cluster, and with autocheck, both are handled by the 4-terminal
thermoswitch. Mine seems to have both., does anyone know what the two-pin
sender does?

Also, where can i get the harness side connector? Or does the thermoswitch
come with it?


At 08:44 PM 2/21/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>thanks andrei - i replied earlier but it looks like my list email is
>getting bumped again  so im not sure if you got it.
>i also recently replaced my gauge.. i'm gonna do some more testing to them
>this weekend + ill le tyou knwo wheat i find.
>>From: Andrei Kogan <akogan at MIT.EDU>
>>To: "no1of consequence" <iin10ded at hotmail.com>
>>CC: quattro at audifans.com
>>Subject: Re: i need a little wiring help w/ multi function temp
>>sensor  [88 90q] Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 13:56:12 -0500
>>Will look this weekend.
>>I have a 90 q with a non-working gauge that i haven't gotten to in
>>months, would be great to "compare the notes" !
>>Wil be in touch,
>>At 06:08 PM 2/21/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>>>happy friday all,
>>>i'm wondering if anyone with the bentley wiring diagram [for an 88 90q] can
>>>confirm a few wire colors for me? i'm reterminating my multi function temp
>>>sensor with a correct plug and i need to know which wires go to which
>>>terminals on the sensor. My mechanic installed a new sensor but  cut the
>>>plug + used cheap crimp connectors, 1 of which broke already. The car since
>>>sprouted sensor-related symptoms [gauge inop, 'swimming thermometer' on
>>>autocheck upon starting]. i'm trying to rule out bad gauge, bad sensor, etc
>>>but would 1st like to rule out the wiring. and, of course, the wire colors
>>>on the new plug i got dont match my car at all. [thanks audi!] ;)
>>>colors ive got coming from the car to the sensor:
>>>blue w/yellow stripe [pretty sure that's ground - unused in new sensor]
>>>Blue w/white
>>>blue w/red
>>>black w/blue
>>>anyone? thanks a ton - i REALLY appreciate it.
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