NG vs 20V

shoemakersp shoemakersp at
Sun Mar 2 22:07:09 EST 2003

	Wondering if I could solicit a little advice on repowering my early build
'84 CGT that currently has the WE code 2.1L(solid lifter) with CIS.  I
obviously have many options, but with my goals for the car a fun time street
plaything, maybe some like track day I am looking for 150-160HP(most likely
naturally aspirated).  I would prefer a smooth pull and retaining some low
end grunt over having an overly peaky top end, but I do want it to rev.
	Given a $2000 dollar budget with several options such as:
		1.  An NF bottom end with preferable a NF top end with a total rebuild,
port and 		polished head, Quattro exhaust manifold, a 272(or so) cam and a
200 flywheel.
		2.  A 20V(7A I think) basically stock and just what it takes to get it
back to 		stock along with the conversion to Motronic.
		3.  The low comp WE bottom end with a stock MC head and turbo.

Thanks to everyone for your time and consideration.

'84 CGT (down to fuel pump, snow snow, go away, give me just one above
freezing day)
'87 5kTQ Wagon (down to throw out bearing, ok maybe two days)

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