Clutch slave removal

George Harris harchris at
Wed Mar 5 17:22:59 EST 2003

When I did mine I found it easiest to disconnect the rubber line where
it joins the steel line at the frame. I also used copious amounts of
penetrating oil, then use a big hammer on the slave cylinder to remove
it from the tranny. Clean it out while you have it out and accessible. I
tried to bleed mine and found that it was plugged solid and would not
bleed. Take the piston out of the slave cylinder, take the bleed plug
out, dig out all the old crap, and make sure it is clean inside.


Eyvind Spangen wrote:
> I'm pulling the transmission on my '88 100TQ to change the clutch and
> fix a leaking input shaft seal. It's the old style clutch slave with
> the pin, not the bolt. The pin is removed, but the slave cylinder is
> still completely stuck. Is there something I have missed? Any good
> tips on removing it?
> Thanks a lot :-)
> --
> Eyvind Spangen

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