kkk vs. garrett

hulkkonen-tk hulkkotk at jet2.net
Wed Mar 5 19:45:03 EST 2003

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Hi Javad,

    I read the post concerning the K26/TO4E hybrid.  Would you happen to kn=
ow what the A/r is on a K26 turbine housing?  I have found it very difficul=
t to find info on KKK turbos in general, and have never seen any mention ab=
out A/r ratios.
    I am currently gathering components to assemble a T3/TO4E hybrid for my=
 5000TQ.  My only concern is that the .48 housing and turbine wheel may be =
too small to support power levels over 300 hp.  The T3 was from a Peugeot, =
so it has the same exhaust flange as the KKK.  Would the KKK turbine/housin=
g flow better than the T3?  Can this be easily mated to the T3 center secti=
on?  I have never actually measured the shaft/wheel from either turbos to c=
ompare lengths and diameters to see if a KKK/T3/TO4E combo is possible.  If=
 this is possible, would this be the way to go?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Terho Hulkkonen


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