Premium octane fueling maps

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Thu Mar 6 10:31:31 EST 2003

Alan, you're right in your description below, it does that too, but that is in addition to the base maps it reverts too.  Thus, when the ecu senses knock it back off in steps of (I forget the exact amount) 2 degrees or so until knock is no longer sensed, this all in relation to the base maps.


>Oh DOH!!!! I did not understand the operation of cis3 before..... I thought
>that it just backed the ignition off a bit at a time until knocking
>stopped..... doh..... so im running at something like 18 btdc (Bentley
>reckons 15) so chances are its swapping maps on me........ does that show in
>the flash codes?
>Best Regards,
>Alan Pritchard
>Network Administrator
>Seaeye Marine Ltd.
>Tel.  01329 289000
>Fax. 01329 289001
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mihnea Cotet [mailto:c_mihnea at]
>Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 8:09 AM
>To: JShadzi at; at; quattro at
>Cc: SuffolkD at
>Subject: Re: Premium octane fueling maps
>The Motronic is indeed adaptative and once it has
>"sensed" that full ignition advance can't be reached
>without knocking for a few times (you won't notice the
>knocking, we're talking of a very subtle level of
>knock here), it will use the retarded maps. I think it
>will always try to see if fully advanced maps can't be
>used "just in case" but I'm not 100% positive. Anyway,
>filling an almost empty tank with 92 or 93 octane
>(american octane) and probably disconnecting the ECU
>for a few minutes will help get it back to fully
>advanced maps, as disconnecting it will erase its
>adaptative memory.
>--- JShadzi at wrote:
>> --
>> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>> I'm not positive about the 3B maps, but my intuition
>> is that the Motronic has
>> a certain level of "adaptability" and isn't as
>> simple and discrete as the
>> earlier CIS3 system to switch between one map or
>> another, there is more
>> complexity involed.
>> Javad
>> In a message dated 3/5/2003 8:45:39 PM Pacific
>> Standard Time,
>> at writes:
>> > So back to the 3B:
>> > Does the fueling map reset after each start or is
>> there
>> > some "proceedure" I should follow?
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