Ur quattro intercooler

derek 4ktq at myrealbox.com
Fri Mar 7 10:50:10 EST 2003


The Urq intercooler has the advantage of more-or-less bolting right up.  I'm
not able to comment on it's efficiency versus the 5kt unit but it does
reduce the number of bends in the intake by about 180 degrees.  You will
have to fabricate some brackets to mount it to but that's not hard.  I can
send you pics of mine as an example.  I have used both the Urq and 5kt
coolers in swaps.  The 5kt piece is a pain in the arse to fit and even
harder to make look good.  The last time I used one the whole frontend stuck
out a couple inches, needed hoodpins, lost a lot of sheetmetal around the
headlights, and it still barely fit.

It's also possible to run without an intercooler (stock boost levels) just
to get the car running untill you design a more custom intercooler.  I did
this for a couple months and friends of mine have run that way for longer
without serious issues.

'86 4ktq - '84 Rabbit ABA

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