brake system lockup, all 4 wheels

Brett Dikeman brett at
Fri Mar 7 20:50:40 EST 2003

At 7:20 PM -0500 3/7/03, Andrei Kogan wrote:

>Could you explain to me how a loose cap  can make the brakes to lock
>up? I cannot seem to figure this out.

That makes for two of us.  It was years ago, in the 5000.  Backed out
of the driveway, got about 500 yards, all four wheels were dragging,
and the rear wheels were actually loosing traction on the sandier
parts of the road(non q.)

So I drive back, all four rotors are pretty warm(it was -very- cold
out) and I'm madder than hell.  Pop the hood to see if there's
anything to see, and checking the brake fluid level, the cap
practically comes off in my hand.  Tighten it down, start the car,
take my foot off the brake, and the car starts slowly rolling

Never figured it out. It's especially weird seeing as how, at least
on the 200q20v, the cap has a vent hole in it.  I suppose the only
real explanation is that the MC did in fact stick, and I just
happened to free it up- except that the MC survived at least another
three years on the car before we sold it.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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