85 4kq power hesitation when cold

Brady Moffatt bradym at sympatico.ca
Sat Mar 8 14:38:49 EST 2003

Hi Jeff/All,

Interesting! I guess I have a similar problem on my 86 4ksq. The car starts
and idles well. It drives well when cold, but after about 3-4 minutes of
driving, it stumbles and has very low power. After about 30 seconds of this,
all is well again and it stays fine for the rest of the trip. I think this
only happens in winter. I'll let you know for sure if winter ever ends (not


Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4ksq with 307,000km
86 4ksq parts car
72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
92 VW Golf with 198,000km FOR SALE
in early stages of quattrosis accumulatus

----- Original Message -----
From: "gottasix" <gottasix at netzero.net>

Hello listers,
Unable to locate an answer to this common 4kq problem in the archive so I
look to you for assistance. I have an 85 4kq with 110K, my issue is when the
engine is cold; idles and starts fine, but when I attempt to take off and
drive there is very little power, allot of hesitation, especially going up
hills, but after 5 minutes or so, temp gauge needle gets to 4 o'clock, the
car jumps to full throttle and has good power after that, like a sticky
breather valve not allowing it to breathe. I can not see or hear any
potential vacuum leaks, just changed the temp sensor to the ecu (a problem
you listers helped me with), plugs, wires, cap rotor, fuel pump/filter, air
filter are clean/new.  I have been dealing with this for the last 5 months
(just let the car warm up..), but I guess I am becoming impatient now and
want to try to resolve the problem.  Thank you in advance for your
85 4kq 110K
85 4kq 95K clean parts car

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