what syn oil to use?

SJ syljay at optonline.net
Mon Mar 10 12:11:16 EST 2003


"The final oil additive category is detergent based. Many of the older,
better-known oil treatments on the market do not make claims nearly so
lavish as the new upstarts. Old standbys like Bardahl, Rislone and Marvel
Mystery Oil, instead offer things like "quieter lifters," "reduced oil
burning" and a "cleaner engine." Most of these products are made up of
solvents and detergents designed to dissolve sludge and carbon deposits
inside your engine so they can be flushed or burned out. Wynn's Friction
Proofing Oil, for example, is 83 percent kerosene. Other brands use
naphthalene, xylene, acetone and isopropanol. Usually, these ingredients
will be found in a base of standard mineral oil. In general, these products
are designed to do just the opposite of what the PTFE and zinc phosphate
additives claim to do. Instead of leaving behind a "coating" or a "plating"
on your engine surfaces, they are designed to strip away such things. All of
these products will strip sludge and deposits out and clean up your engine,
particularly if it is an older, abused one. The problem is, unless you have
some way of determining just how much is needed to remove your deposits
without going any further, such solvents also can strip away the boundary
lubrication layer provided by your oil. Overuse of solvents is an easy trap
to fall into, and one which can promote harmful metal-to-metal contact
within your engine. As a general rule of thumb these products had their
place and were at least moderately useful on older automobile and motorcycle
engines of the Fifties and Sixties, but are basically unneeded on the more
efficient engine designs of the past two decades "

85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
85 4k - - sold but still on the road
88 5kq
90 100q

> Message: 10
> From: <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
> To: "The Loves" <theloves at localaccess.com>,
> "InfernoCL" <infernocl at wi.rr.com>,
> "'Fred Munro'" <munrof at sympatico.ca>,
> "'Al S'" <zeus83858 at icehouse.net>,
> "'quattro-list'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: Re: what syn oil to use?
> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 1:12:05 -0500
> I run goog old dino based 20W50 year round in my NG powered CGT. That plus
> a good oil filter and my lifters are pretty quiet (not perfect) until
>  2,500-2,800 miles after the last oil change. Lifter tap, to me, is just a
> reminder to change the oil and filter. When I go her, she had a lifter
>  was totally stuck. I got it "unstuck" by removing a quart of oil and
> g a quart or Marvelous Mystery Oil (MMO). Good stuff IMHO. It's highly
> rgent and cleaned up the liifter and passages and eventually (over the
>  100 miles) completely unstuck the lifter. I know it really did what it
> ims to do, clean out the engine, because the engine was pretty gummed up
> en I got her, fresh oil would turn black within 250-300 miles. Now, it
> s clean 2,500 miles later.
> Now, about a week before and oil change I do this same thing to keep her
> ean. Drain out (or pump out in my case, using a drill mounted pump with
>  suction hose put down the dip stick hole) 1 quart of oil, add 1 quart of
> MO and just drive normally. The a week or so later I change the oil and
> ter. I'm sure others on the list will say that all oil addatives are
> te bunk, and some may even say dangerous, but I am a happy repeat customer
> of MMO and will continue to use it as part of my oil change process.
> Dave
> 1987 CGT Special Build
> SE Virginia

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