coke in engine

Eyvind Spangen eyvind.spangen at
Wed Mar 12 00:42:27 EST 2003

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 18:21:02 -0500, you wrote:

>Believe it or not companies make -proper- engine oil flushes :-)

I just had to try the el cheapo-solution.. :-)

>Amsoil makes a flush, supposedly good.  Someone also recommended here
>the CD2 stuff, I think.  I used some generic stuff from the auto
>parts store- the previous owner of my 200q20v bragged about using
>just about every snake oil crap you could possibly name on the
>engine. I was horrified...

Yeah, the guy that bought my 200q told me several times how good all
brands of snake oil was, how it improved everything etc... Just BS..

Engine flush is OK, but additives that you pour into the oil and use
all the time either don't work, or just hide a more serious problem..

Eyvind Spangen

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